...for 20,000 school children in KwaZulu Natal over 5-years, in schools, which have rising drop-out rates, drug addiction and child pregnancies.
South African Schools Excellence Program, an initiative of CBE Schools SA, is working with 29 school principals and over 200 school teachers in Kwa Zulu Natal to improve academic and social outcomes in their schools. This program keeps kids in school with a 30 year track record of success. The program has a marked effect on reducing ADHD and ADD in primary school learners as well as greatly enhanced academic performance. By improving self esteem and self regard it leads to reduced drug addiction, reduced substance abuse, and reduced teen pregnancy. Schools are clustered to ensure students go from primary school to designated secondary schools with more academic and school support. After secondary school, students are given opportunities to move into tertiary education supported by the $10 Africa College Fund. In this way we help a young person improve their educational chances from Primary to Secondary to Tertiary to the Economy (either into a job or starting their own business).
Although $3 trillion is spent world-wide per annum by governments on education, and R160 billion ($21 billion) is spent by the South African government, the results at the end of the day show a very poor return on investment. In South Africa, 40% of kids have dropped out of school by Grade 12, and less than 2% of original Grade 1's graduate with a first degree.
The Schools Excellence Program is running in schools in disadvantaged communities, that have rising levels of drug addiction, gangsterism, violence, and pregnancies, all leading to higher drop-out rates. It incorporates Consciousness-Based Education (CBE) and the Quiet Time program, and has been introduced into thousands of schools and universities worldwide with unprecedented educational outcomes.
COMMUNITY has worked with over 30 000 students in schools since its founding. In several disadvantaged schools, in townships around Johannesburg, including Alexandra, Soweto, and Davieton, 9,000 students increased their pass-rates by 25% on over 100 thousand school marks as compared to 12,000 students in control schools that dropped 1%.
Your generous contribution to the CBE Schools program will ensure that we meet our goal of $150,000 for 2010 and keep kids in school, transform education outcomes for children in KwaZulu Natal, and break the cycle of poverty in their communities.